The Premise
Calvin Fritchey continued his series on the book of Proverbs with chapter 30. He touched on a number of topics that are intended to increase our wisdom while decreasing the pain we endure on this earth due to our own selfishness & stubbornness. According to scripture, we can be wise if we truly desire it!
The Quotes
Cool-wise |
The book
Wisdom for Dummies has already been written, it's alternatively been called
The Bible! The steps are pretty simple (though never easy): listen & do.
Listen to God's Word. In order to listen you must read. Read God's word in order to know His will, or at least the
jist of His will, for every life-situation. Once you have listened, you will know what to do. Without
doing what God asks, all you have is knowledge (knowledge is information with meaning assigned to it). The implementation of that knowledge in a real situation is known as wisdom.
Manipulating the words |
Manipulating the words
Since our wisdom handbook has been created (and curated), we only need to take it in. Some of the things found in the Bible are difficult despite their simplicity. Therefore, there is a great temptation to manipulate what is being said in order to take the edge off of what is required or to make it more appealing to our own nature.
The problem with that, of course, is the fact that our own nature is fallen. We are imperfect images of God who are in need of some reworking in order to return to our former splendor. God's word is always perfect, it never leans too far to the right (legalism) or to the left (antinomialism). The imbalance comes from skewed people who try to interpret according to their own fancies.
Lesson to my readers: double-check what I write on this blog. These ideas are all my own as I go through my spiritual journey. God reserves every right to change my mind on the various interpretations of scripture that are found on these web pages. I try my best to remain true to scripture, but I am also a human being just like most of my readers.
God with us |
God with us
The Bible is one major attempt from God to us in order to restore a relationship. It is an example of God's love to us and His desire to draw us near to Him. Given these evidences of God's nature, why would He leave us out in the cold when we ask Him to be near to us? By asking Him to be near, it is assumed that we give up all other pleasures & things that repel Him. Remember, draw near to God & He always reciprocates.
(The) You
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