It's #BTSermon Time!! |
The Premise
This week we heard messages from Calvin Fritchey on Proverbs 27 & Dr. David Humphries on 2 Timothy 2. Calvin brought out several gems of wisdom as penned by Solomon the wise. Dr. Humphries began talking about the inherent difficulties in discipleship, specifically using the example of a good soldier. As always, these messages should show up
on the site soon.
The Quotes
Mismatched Bible Verses |
Calvin used himself as an illustration. He wore (your guessed it!) a patterned (diamond) tie with a plaid shirt. It was pretty crazy-looking. But his point is right, sometimes the Proverbs are a hermeneutics nightmare! How can you seamlessly explain verses that seem to jump from thought to thought with no thought about what people think about the thought process?!?! Sometimes our narratives don't fit, the Word of God just is.
Boast About Him |
You are always going to boast about the best. What is the best part of the Christian? The first part--Christ. Of Him & Him only can we boast.
Manual Override |
In a movie, you know one of two things is going to happen when man overrides the autopilot or goes against mission control's recommendations; either 1) the macho man is going to save the day even though he ticks everyone else off or 2) they are all going to die needless deaths. When the Christian overrides the Lord's wisdom, there is no mystery: it never ends well.
Stories in the Night |
Sometimes preachers say some encouraging things
before their message even starts. While talking about his wife's sickness, Dr. Humphries praised God for his goodness & provision throughout their marriage. I am certain that all Christians can agree with his statements here.
Warm Parts |
Humphries took on the discussion of difficulty in discipleship. It is hard to live the Christian life for real as opposed to fake christianity. We must know that just because things get hard, not to let it discourage us & push us down, rather, we should be encouraged to press on.
The Bible, What is it Good For? |
We have seen this reference many times before. (Go ahead,
look at the #BTSermon tag on this blog, you'll find it!) How did Jesus defeat the devil? With the book of Deuteronomy specifically, with the Bible in general. We must 1) get acquainted with the Bible & 2) learn to use it effectively. There is a reason why it is called a weapon, it is a tactical device used to bring men to Christ. Using the scriptures effectively with prayer is a dynamic combination in the Christian life.
Your Turn
So you read the blog. Great! Now I will challenge you to do one (or more) of the following:
- Check out the previous #BTSermon articles & see how many times Bible memorization has been brought up at BTC. How does that effect your life?
- Share this message with someone, do that by:
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- Discuss your thoughts on this topic in the comments section. How does this make you feel? Has God done something great in your life? When have you taken the controls back in your life? I would love to hear some feedback.
- Check out the next section for more content!
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